Shichimi Togarashi, also known as Japanese Seven Spice, is a traditional Japanese condiment made from a blend of seven ingredients: red chili, sesame seeds, dried orange peel, nori (dried seaweed), ginger, poppyseed and sansho (Japanese pepper). It adds complex flavor and a mild bit of heat to savory dishes like sushi and ramen.
Shichimi Togarashi, also known as Japanese Seven Spice, is a traditional condiment made from a blend of seven ingredients: red chili, sesame seeds, dried orange peel, nori (dried seaweed), ginger, poppyseed and sansho (Japanese pepper). The ingredients are combined in various ratios to create the desired flavor.
Nutritional Facts
Shichimi Togarashi, also known as Japanese Seven Spice, is a traditional condiment made from a blend of seven ingredients. Nutritional facts vary depending on the ratio of ingredients used; however, it is low in fat and calories while providing essential vitamins and minerals including iron, copper and potassium.
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